Hi Experts,
I have created a zsceen, where i have made 2 radio buttons and 1
table control. Now based on the selection of radio buttons my requirement is to
display table control in read or edit mode. For this i have grouped the radio
buttons and on PBO i have wriiten the code like this.
if sy-ucomm = 'RADIO' AND RB1 = 'X'.
screen-input = 0.
ELSEIF sy-ucomm = 'RADIO' AND RB2 = 'X'.
screen-input = 1.
modify screen.
But my problem is at the very first time when screen gets opened
, sy-ucomm value is not correct and my first radio button RB1 is
selected, whose value does not come when i debug and hence my table
control is not getting changed.
In short my radio button above functionality is not getting met.
Can you please let me know what to do in this case? Looking
forward for an early reply.
- Thanks.