Hi all gurus,
facing a challenging task and would like to ask you for some clarifications...
In short; an user has to select a value from a WD custom popup. This value should then be retrieved in a standard method (by enhancing it) that follows in the process flow.
The problem is that between the popup and the method, a new user session is started ( the process I'm talking about is the creation of a shopping cart in SRM).
- 1 - i tried to create a singleton class with GET & SET methods... but this is not working, as after the SET , a new user session starts and the previous singleton class instance is lost;
- 2 - I tried to "convert" the above class into a Shared Memory Area enabled one... defining the binding at Application Server level, it works. In the method in which I have to get the value, that is correctly retrieved.
But SMO seems not to fit with my requirement, as it's not user-specific. To better understand the issue, think about two users, say A and B, which are both processing that execution flow. Considering the following sequence:
- user A selects a value (say "foo") from the popup; this is stored in SMA.
- user B selects a different value (say "bar") from the same popup just a second after user A; this value OVERRIDES the previous one stored in SMA, as SMA is not user-specific!
- As a result, when the execution flow for user A reaches the method in which the value is retrieved... the resulting value will be "bar", and not "foo".
I then read about SAP Memory which seems to be:
- user-specific;
- usable on multiple sessions from the same user.
I then tried as follows: when I have to set the value, I used the following instruction:
EXPORT proctype from proctype TO MEMORY ID 'ZPROCTYPE'.
where obviously proctype variable contains the user selection.
In the method, I used the following statement:
and, as in the case -1- of the singleton class, I get an empty value. Please notice that if I try to get the value BEFORE the new session is started, I can retrieve it correctly.
What am I missing? Does SAP Memory guarantee communication between multiple sessions started by the same user?
Any help will be highly appreciated ... as the question is quite urgent.
Thanks in advance