Hello experts,
I’m a newbie in ABAP OO and need a suggestion from you experts. I’m trying to populate values on the selection screen from a custom (config) table. I need to do it on INITIALIZATION event so that when screen loads then user can see them. To accomplish it I wrote a CLASS-METHOD: get_details.
CLASS-METHODS: get_details IMPORTING im_file TYPE string
im_vkorg TYPE vkorg
im_vtweg TYPE vtweg
im_spart TYPE spart
im_ktokd TYPE tt_ktokd
im_kunnr TYPE tt_kunnr
im_date TYPE tt_date
im_time TYPE tt_time
im_test TYPE c,
This way I get all the variables (parameters) and tables (select-options) I need to populate. My question is can I write a CLASS-METHOD with EXPORTING parameters? The intend is to export all the values/tables back in one-shot. Currently I’m using few RETURN methods but they only return one variable/table at a time.
return_file RETURNING VALUE(r_file) TYPE string,
return_org RETURNING VALUE(r_vkorg) TYPE vkorg.
Please advise how to return all of them like I IMPORTED them above (in get_details method)
Many thanks in advance.