ABAP Code Modularization: Lesson Learned
It can’t be all Objects all the time! In this blog, Otto Gold shares tips and best practices on how to structure program code depending on the situation. Read on through the comments and you’re sure to find more nuggets of wisdom.March 22, 2012
SAP TechEd Live Interviews for ABAP Developers
- Deep Dive on SAP HANA Development: For ABAP and Mobile Developers - with SAP Mentors Thomas Jung, Thorsten Franz, and Graham Robinson
- From ABAPer to MOBILEr: The Evolution of Developers - with SAP Mentors Ivan Femia, John Astill, and DJ Adams
Get more interviews and lecture sessions from SAP TechEd Online. January 8, 2012
Optimizing ABAP for SAP HANA: SAP's 3-Step Approach
In this SAPinsider article, you'll learn SAP's three-step approach to optimize SAP NetWeaver Application Server (SAP NetWeaver AS) ABAP for the SAP HANA database. December 26, 2012
ABAP Development Tools: Now you can debug ABAP applications in Eclipse
Want to debug your ABAP applications with native Eclipse debugger directly within the ABAP Development Tools (ADT) for Eclipse? Now it's possible since the availability of the new SAP Kernel 7.21 in combination with SAP Basis 7.31 SP4 (prerequisite for using ADT). Learn the capabilities of the new ABAP debugger in Eclipse also by watching the embedded video. December 3, 2012