ABAP program "SAPLSLVC" had to be terminated
When user execute MB56 = Display Batch where Used-List
With option “Display Format = Hierarchical tree structure” and download output to local file there is no issue
When “Display Format = Hierarchical list” and download output to local file then it gives short dump.
Now after 10 days time when user execute MB56 = Display Batch where Used-List
With option “Display Format = Hierarchical tree structure” and download output to local file there is no issue
When “Display Format = Hierarchical list” and click “Start Analyisis” then it gives short dump.
This issue is occuring with only one user and with simillar profile/ same Authorization do not have this issue. We have checked other user login from user s’ machin and let this user login to other machines but this occurs only for that specific user.
Can some one help us. Your reply is greately appriciated.
Short dump shows below informaiton
Information on where terminated
Termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLSLVC" - in "FILL_DATA_TABLE".
The main program was "RVBBWULS ".
In the source code you have the termination point in line 2331
of the (Include) program "LSLVCF36".
Look for OSS Note for below search
Since this issue is only for one specific user we are unable to consider OSS note.