Hi ,
I am working on table controls , the problem is that the first line of the table control is coming blank though the internal table has 7 records in it but when the program is executed the table control only shows 6 records , the first record is not coming in it , it is showing a blank first line . However when I press enter the first line gets the data from the internal table .
My Code is as follows :
LOOP AT it_emp1 INTO wa_emp1 WITH CONTROL tabctrl1 CURSOR get_cursor .
MODULE status_0001.
However If I write the Module status_0001 before loop........endloop as follows
MODULE status_0001.
LOOP AT it_emp1 INTO wa_emp1 WITH CONTROL tabctrl1 CURSOR get_cursor .
then the table control has all the record , but the problem is that only the first time the rows are ready for input (All the rows) , but next time if I execute the program only the filled rows are ready for input and the rest blank rows are not ready for input .
I appreciate any help.