Hi Experts,
I am displaying report output using ABAP objects in that I am implementing F4 concept for a field where once I press f4 help I will get one customized screen with required values. If I select a record from the pop-up screen by double clicking it, It is working fine (I mean I have implemented a logic for that as shown below). Now I added a new row for the same displayed ALV report. Here also I need to implement same f4 logic for same field. All it does is when I press f4 help it displays pop-up screen but, when I select a record by double-clicking it then it gives short-dump.
What needs to be changed? Below is my ST22 log. Please help me and direct me in correct way.
Short dump Description:
Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible
Short dump error analysis:
You attempted to use a 'NULL' object reference (points to 'nothing')
access a component (variable: " ").
An object reference must point to an object (an instance of a class) before it can be used to access components. Either the reference was never set or it was set to 'NULL' using the CLEAR statement.
METHOD on_double_click.
IF f4_params-c_display EQ 'X'.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <itab> TYPE lvc_t_modi.
DATA: ls_modi TYPE lvc_s_modi,
ls_f4_itab TYPE f4_itab_type.
ASSIGN f4_params-cr_event_data->m_data->* TO <itab>. "short dump at this place
ls_modi-row_id = f4_params-cs_row_no-row_id.
ls_modi-fieldname = f4_params-c_fieldname.
READ TABLE f4_itab INTO ls_f4_itab INDEX es_row_no-row_id.
ls_modi-value = ls_f4_itab-value.
ls_modi-value = ls_f4_itab-verid.
APPEND ls_modi TO <itab>.
ENDMETHOD. "on_double_click