I am trying to edit an Excel file (.xlsx) that is located on a shared folder. This Excel workbook has 2 worksheets inside it. Sheet1 has some raw data in table form, while Sheet2 has a chart that uses the data from Sheet1.
I need to open the file and modify only Sheet1 by overwriting its content with the content from an internal table. I have tried the following methods:
This FM doesn`t let me edit an XLS file, it will only create a new one (or completely overwrite an existing one) with only one sheet with the data inside. This method will also automatically launch the Excel application.
Pretty much the same reasons as the previous option.
Class cl_xlsx_document
I have tried the following code
lv_file_data = cl_openxml_helper=>load_local_file( 'C:\export.xlsx' ).
lo_package = cl_xlsx_document=>load_document( iv_data = lv_file_data ).
lo_parts = lo_package->get_parts( ).
lo_part = lo_parts->get_part( 2 ).
lo_parts = lo_part->get_parts( ).
lo_part = lo_parts->get_part( 2 ).
lv_uri = lo_part->get_uri( )->get_uri( ).
lo_xml_part_uri = cl_openxml_parturi=>create_from_partname( lv_uri ).
lo_xml_part = lo_package->get_part_by_uri( lo_xml_part_uri ).
lv_data_xstring = lo_xml_part->get_data( ).
But then, I don't know how to edit this data and overwrite the data for this one sheet and re-save it in the file.
Any help is greatly appreciated!