Hi all,
I tried to call an external program from my program and i wanted to pass certain information to it.
The program i'm trying to call is "rdsmopreducedata" and i need to check "System in all solution" and enter "OTO" then execute it.
The method i used was to define a table of rsparams, append my parameters then submit the program after passing that table to it .
DATA :rspar TYPE TABLE OF rsparams,
wa_rspar LIKE LINE OF rspar.
wa_rspar-selname = 'ANZ_COMM'.
wa_rspar-low = '1'.
wa_rspar-KIND = 'S'.
wa_rspar-SIGN = 'I'.
wa_rspar-OPTION = 'EQ'.
SUBMIT rdsmopreducedata The first problme i have is that for certain cells, the information i passed is missing (OTO for example).
The other problem is that the program displays the "rdsmopreducedata" 's screen although i didn't mention it.
Any help?