Hello team
i have a requirement as below
Requirement : PO to K&N Interface (IDOC Enhancement)
Customer Function: 002 (i.e. EXIT_SAPLEINM_002)
Include: ZXM06U02
Process Code: ME10.
my requirement is when i the PO line item is not having any material, i need to exclude that PO line item details in the outbound IDOC while creating it. for example if i have any PO with 4 line items and where in that if i have 1 line item which is not having any material i should not include that line item in the IDOC that means in this example i need to create a IDOC with only 3 line items which are having the material number.
So i request you to please check and suggest me the process for deleting the segment or not including the line item details which are not having the material number into the outbound idoc.
Please check and suggest me the process at the earliest.