My requirement is to schedule a job for every 5 mins, simple isn't it ! But it should be triggered exactly after 5 mins of its previous jobs ends time.
For exp:
Here all the jobs denotes same report and same variant.
Job1 executed for 3 mins and ended at 7:05
Job2 should start at 7:10, say Job2 executed for 12 mins and ended at 7:22
Job3 should start at 7:27.
For this i have created an event in SM62 and Z report to raise the event.
In the Z report, selection screen i have given event name and actual Job to be scheduled.
This Z report will be scheduled periodically for every 5 mins and it will check the actual job status Released or not.
If it is released it will not raise any event, otherwise it will raise an event,
To execute it for every 5 mins, i am using FM to get the last ended jobs status and time.
To the last ended time i am adding 5 mins and subtracting the current, the time difference will be wait time.
Though this is working fine for most of the time, but some times its sub sequent jobs are executed in less than few seconds.
Can someone help me on this, let me know if you require code for this.