Hi All,
I need help on File output to SAP Directory.
I am creating a Tab Delimited File from internal table using OPEN DATA SET .. and TRANSFER. I am pushing the generated file to AL11 SAP directory.
When I see the output of file, it always show me top 3 additional lines with directory name and file name etc. When I download this file, then also these lines appear as header.
I have to FTP this file and I DO NOT want to send these HEADER lines to target server. My Question is How can I produce a Tab Delimited file WITHOUT a header using ABAP program.
Current File Output is:
Directory: /XXX/YYYY
123450 ABC 11.000
678910 DEF 12.000
111213 GHI 3.000
141516 JKL 14.000
Desired Output is:
123450 ABC 11.000
678910 DEF 12.000
111213 GHI 3.000
141516 JKL 14.000
Thanks for the reply,