Hello Guru,
I have a requirement that add a custom field in already existing custom view of MM01. I did the following steps :
1. I have cerated a new field in MARA using APPEND structure.
2. I have found the function group(Y_FE_MARA) that already there other subscreens, so that I have added another subscreen in that function group and created a field from MARA in the screen.
3. in SPRO went for the path Logistics General->Material Master->Configuring the Material->Define Structure of Data screens for Each Screen sequence
In the 3rd step, I have choosen already existing screen sequence(Y1) and went for Data Screens and choosen for Custom tab and double click on subscreens and then I have added the program as SAPLY_FE_MARA and subscreen number(011) and saved it.
After all the above steps, I have run MM02/MM03 then the field is not getting displayed in the screen of custom view.
Did I miss any steps here? Please suggest me if I did something wrong.
Thanks and Regards,
Muralikrishna Peravali