I currently have a client who has a number of roles with the M_EINK_FRG authorisation object assigned with the FRGCD and FRGCO fields assigned from which I had a couple of questions.
1. The values assigned to the auth object and these field names for the majority of the roles is $FRGCD or $FRGCO, does anyone know what this indicates, e.g. is it like a * value and the role allows the user to release PRs for any group/code?
2. A number of the roles should be display only however they have the M_EINK_FRG authorisation object assigned indicating they can release PRs, aware in order to release PRs they would also need access to t codes ME55, ME54N and ME54 however some of them do. Is there any other auth objects that would almost 'cancel out' M_EINK_FRG and prevent the user from having access to release PRs?