I'm reading the multiple sheets of excel and each sheet contains the different fields. The contents of the internal table are Row, Column and Value after reading the each sheet for every time. For example, after reading the 1st sheet, the internal table looks like below.
1 | 1 | PARTNER |
1 | 2 | ROLE |
2 | 1 | 9999 |
2 | 2 | UKM000 |
3 | 1 | 8888 |
3 | 2 | UDM000 |
For every sheet, this internal table is same but with different values.
Below are my structures.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_cred_prof,
partner TYPE bu_partner,
partner_role TYPE bu_role_screen,
END OF ty_cred_prof,
BEGIN OF ty_cred_segm,
partner TYPE bu_partner,
credit_sgmnt TYPE ukm_credit_sgmnt,
insur_limit TYPE ze_insur_limit,
insur_lmt_date TYPE ze_insur_lmt_dt,
mgmt_limit TYPE ze_mgmt_limit,
mgmt_lmt_date TYPE ze_mgmt_lmt_dt,
other_limit TYPE ze_other_limit,
other_lmt_date TYPE ze_other_lmt_dt,
END OF ty_cred_segm,
DATA: lt_cred_prof TYPE TABLE OF ty_cred_prof,
lt_cred_segm TYPE TABLE OF ty_cred_segm.
Now my requirement is to prepare the internal tables at runtime as my structures are different.
So that my internal table looks like
Partner | PARTNER_ROLE |
9999 | UKM000 |
8888 | UDM000 |
Please help me to achieve above requirement.